People have been telling me I need to party it up while in Spain for my birthday, but honestly, birthday's are fairly trivial to me. Not other people's just my own. I have been trying for the past week to remember what I did last year but clearly it wasn't anything important because I can't remember for the life of me!
Wednesday, as we left our last class of the day (Portuguese), Vi and I were greeted with this scene:
We figure it was a warm up for the theatre production that was about to start down the street, but most people were just standing watching these homeless mimes (?) jump up and down in succession. Seems like it would have been an interesting play.
Friday I went for coffee with some girls from my geography class and we chatted and had a good time and they even paid for my (belated birthday) cake! ♥ That evening we had dinner at my place with one of our friends who unfortunately lost her voice and had to write on a notepad. One of Em's friends came by later as well and we spent the rest of the night watching really funny YouTube videos. It's what you do when you don't feel like going out. Fun times! (I ♥♥♥ YouTube).
The rest of this week shall be thoroughly unexciting as I struggle to do two major projects that completely suck and are due the same day. Ever try reading 200 pages of Jesuit recount of the conquest of Chile written in Spanish from the 1500s, where the pages are badly scanned copies of the 500 year old original? Don't ever try it. Sigh...
Happy Sunday :)
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Hola :)