18 December 2012

12 Days of DIY: Day 4&5: Men's Shirt to Dress & Wire Christmas Tree


DAY 4: Recycled Men's Shirt into Dress

I spontaneously created this today while I was avoiding class by watching New Moon and listening to Mackelmore. Off topic: It's my first time watching the Twilight movies. Just wanna say they are fairly stupid but I'm team Jacob - and Team Alice/Jasper, if they had a team....

I had bought this really large men's button down shirt thing at the flea market a few months ago and had a general idea of what I wanted to do with it. I only recently bought the crappiest sewing kit known to man so I was finally able to make something. I searched around Pinterest for a good tutorial that I liked but they all either involved too much sewing that would require a machine or needed a men's shirt with long sleeves. Mine was this awkward XL funky short sleeved number. In the end I just winged it and improvised.

The Finished Dress!

yay for self timer photos in the kitchen!
 It's a bit longer in the back and I would wear it with leggings or a skirt underneath. The shoulders still need to be hemmed though (I didn't have any matching thread). It also reallly needs to be ironed but the ironing board in the laundry room is really gross so I'll stick to wrinkly, thank you.

the collar
Basically I just cut off the sleeves, cut the armhole so the shoulder was smaller and took in the waist a bit, so the bottom was more of an a-line. I didn't really measure because if there is anything I hate in the world it is measuring things.

The original shirt

DAY 5: Wire Christmas Tree Ornament

This one is not as exciting but was very easy to make. It is just layers of wires and then a squared off loop at the end to make the tree base. It would be very pretty with beads but I don't ave any. I also made a hook so if I ever encounter a Christmas tree this holiday season, I can put it on.

On another note, in 4 days I am headed to LONDON FOR CHRISTMAS!!! I am very excited. Gonna meet some new family and embrace as much holiday cheer and commercialism as I can because it is REALLLLLY lacking here. My residence only put up the Christmas tree and some decorations in the lobby this afternoon!! It's crazy.

Anyway, have a good day!!!

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