As my friend
Cayda said, "Welcome to Europe, where nothing makes sense." How true. I've only been here a few hours really and already it's so different. But different is refreshing :)
Salamanca is right above the 'M' in Madrid |
This won't be a long post since sour lemon flavoured, Spanish pop is the only thing keep me awake right. The trip here to Salamanca was a long one. We (me and my marvelous mama who decided last minute to see me off all the way to Spain), flew to Frankfurt first and then had a connecting flight to Madrid. It was a ate afternoon flight leaving Toronto so by time we got to Madrid it was already early afternoon again. After spending almost an hour running around Madrid's unnecessarily annoying airport we eventually found our way to Salamanca, two and a half hours away. We ended up having to take a cab from the airport to the train station in the centre of the city to get to Salamanca. There is a bus that runs express from the airport, but for some reason having it run anytime between 7 am and 7 pm is unreasonable -_____-
When we got to Salamanca we had two options; option A: go to the hotel, put all our bags down, settle in a bit and then head to the university to get my lodging sorted out; or option B: go straight to the university. We opted for A. After the cheapest cab ride of my life, we came to a very lovely little hotel, apparently within walking distance of the uni but we never got that far with our day - intense hunger had led us outside to seek out edible deliciousness. But that was then interrupted once we saw the giant cathedral two minutes into our walk. Spanish architecture is something I really want to experience and it seems Salamanca if rife with it. After that we did what all bad tourists do - buy a pizza and eat it at the hotel. We were so tired we just didn't care.
And now I must go to sleep because I'm sure tomorrow will be filled with confusion as I attempt to move in, learn the campus and pick courses (yea that's right, I haven't done that yet :S). Oh and of course my residence has to be the farthest one from the centre of campus and is located in the science part of campus - WHERE NONE OF MY COURSES WILL BE!! uggghhhhhhhhh
Anywho, I leave you with random photos so far :D (click them to enlarge)
Sunrise in Frankfurt |
What the Spanish country side looks like between Madrid and Salamanca. It's awfully dry and brown. |
The beautiful cathedral of which I speak |
Please take a moment to appreciate the awesomeness that is the sign |
I think we need more vaulted ceiling in Canada. Just saying... |
The Church part of the Cathedral. It's so freaking ornate |
a prayer |
time to confess |
If someone could explain to me why they are eating pizza with chopsticks, that would be much appreciated |
please excuse some formatting issues...still working on those! :)
Yay! I'm glad you made it there okay. Keep up the blogging, I'll be reading. :)