I have a double room.
The really great part about our room though, is that we have our own toilet, sink and shower! The works! Oh and also a bidet. Wiki it. The private washroom is awesome. No need to share with a whole floor, especially when our room is so close to the main entrance, it would be kind of weird.
In terms of residents, most of the people are Spanish. I'm sure this 30% the schools international students are hiding out elsewhere because I can't seem to find them. I only know of two or three other people in res who aren't Spanish. One's a girl from Hong Kong and there is a guy from Germany. But I know international students exist!
Meals are at really random times. Breakfast during the week is between 7-9. I have never been because I've never been up that early. Most of my classes are in the afternoon. Lunch is from 2:30 - 4. It is a very Spanish thing to eat late. One of my teachers was saying how afternoon doesn't start until they've eaten lunch. So if you see someone at 2 and say good afternoon and they haven't eaten yet, they will respond no it's still good morning. Dinner is 9-10:30. The food isn't super fantastic. I don't really know what I'm eating most of the time and fries have been served with every meal I've eaten there. I'm not quite sure the concept of desert is as strong as it is here. Apples, oranges, bananas and yoghourt are not desert in my mind. But my stash of oranges grows because they make a good breakfast. Also, bottled water is served with every meal. Bottled water is served everywhere. No such thing as tap water I guess.
(p.s. There were issues with commenting before but now anyone can comment!)
(Because this song is awesome and you probs haven't heard it in a while) (p.p.s. Estelle Rocks):