19 December 2011

12 Days of DIY - Day 3 - A Golden Snitch Ornament

The moment  I saw this awesomeness online, I knew I had to try. I've seen all the movies and have only recently started reading the books, but it looked so cool! I have come to learn that my projects will never end up like those that I model them after, but you live and let live.

I originally painted an ornament with a colour called "antique gold" but it didn't look right so I had to go get proper looking gold paint. It still isn't as metalic-y or bronzey as I would like but I don't really want to work on it any more. The wings took forever to get one. A mixture of contact cement and painter's tape was used in end.

I think it kind of looks more like a golden bat than a golden snitch but just picture it whizzing around in the air then it's all good.

Happy Monday!!

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Hola :)