It's one thing to promote an upcoming video. It's another to create a whole trailer about it. Even with a collaboration as epic as the Muppets and OK-GO, it's not really necessary. Now it just raised my expectations to a whole new level.
OK-GO has a really high standard for videos and they have created some of the most memorable videos out there (the theadmill dancing or weird multi-coloured stop motion park thing just to jog your memory). And the Muppets are, well, the Muppets. For ever engrained in pop culture for the last, what, 40 years or so? I'm very curious about the music as well, because I can only sing about 1 and a half OK-GO songs and the Muppets are exactly the most talented musicians out there, as cute as they are.
But this trailer has me expecting the most epic thing thing possible. Like going to space! - Oh wait, the Muppets did that already. There was a whole movie... Well they will just have to try super duper extra hard to impress me now.
Here's the trailer, in case you're curious:
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