26 November 2012

Life is...blahh but crafty

It has been waaaaaaay too long since I've posted anything on here. But alas, life is not all that interesting. I have basically lost all motivation to do anything (like school work) so I'm kinda behind in that regard. My lack of apartment hunting means that instead of living in an apartment from December onwards, I settled for moving to another res, the one across from mine. I will have a smaller room, but it will be all mine and fantastically glorious. There is a small kitchen where I would cook for myself and overall hopefully save about 100 euros a month. I only plan on being there for two months though.

Instead of working I have become even more obsessed with Pinterest, the most fantastical site in the world. Did you know you can save your boards as PDF files?!?!?!?! Imagine my joy. I also watched the first two seasons and a half of Fringe, caught up with a bunch of other shows and listened the Lianne La Havas album, "Is Your Love Big Enough?" about 30 times on repeat yesterday.

I made a bow from ribbons
Before that though, Vi and I went to a mini concert organized by a very nice Russian/Portuguese girl we met at that Brazilian party a few weeks ago. She sang some jazz songs and played classical songs on the piano. A few other people played songs as well. It is amazing how people can memorized such complex pieces of music and how quickly and swiftly their hands moved. I was mesmerized - it was great.

Last Friday I saw Skyfall with Em and her friends, IN SPANISH. I'm not quite sure I understand the whole appeal of James Bond. That was the first full JB movie I've ever seen and I was actually pretty funny altough I don't think it was supposed to be. Many parts seemed illogical to me and Javier Bardem makes a horrible blonde.

I have also been getting crafty, because making random stuff keeps me sane. I've made some rings from wire, a wire Christmas tree ornament and an unconventional advent calendar for a friend (although I am still on the hunt for small edible deliciousness...). I think I am going to do another 12 days of DIY, like I did last year on the old blog, except I shall do ALL 12 days. There are a bajillion ideas running through my head...

That's about it.

Happy Belated American Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Rick Mercer Tuesday, etc.

Hello Alone - Charlie Winston

10 November 2012

Ávila, Segovia & random other stuff

The last two Saturdays, excluding today, I visited the lovely nearby towns of Ávila and Segovia. But lazy me didn't/still does not feel like writing anything particularly lengthy about them, so I think four sentences each and a whole lot of photos should suffice.

ÁVILA: This town is about an hour and a half away and the main attraction is a giant wall that surrounds the historic centre. I went with my roomie and a very nice Italian girl from res. If you want some good exercise while looking like the ultimate tourist, I recommend spending the last hour before the bus leaves running from one end of wall to the other, all the while stopping, snapping a picture and bursting off again. It's fun (and exhausting!)



SEGOVIA: Segovia is about three hours from Salamanca and personally I prefer it to Ávila - it's prettier. I went with Em (one of the girls with whom I went to Madrid) and we had a great day. We spent most of our time at the giant roman aqueduct and inside the giant castle, climbing stairs of death (I think giant = today's adj. of the day). We also ate kebabs and for dinner I ate a questionably cooked hamburger - good times. :)

looks like Switzerland

detailing on a house
the Cathedral

the Castle - it supposedly inspired Walt Disney's Castle

Segovia: the land of crazy ceilings

tiles and tassles

Life lesson: always eat before getting on bus rides. Both times, people got sick on the bus ride there.
Now onto other matters.

MELANIE  FIONA! Have you listened to her??? I know she's not new to the music scene but I mean, I'm just falling in love with the (Canadian♥) girl! Also, Azealia Banks is great if you like 90s sounding hip hop and are not opposed to explicit content. Oh, and I have FINALLY listened to The Asteroids Galaxy Tour's newest album, Out of Frequency (which came out in January). Gotta love those Danes.

I'm seriously thinking about moving. I spend a few hours today emailing people about looking at apartments. Res is not for me and I really need my own room and space. Plus there is only so much food cooked with ham, calls in the middle of the night, and lack of a refrigerator and oven I can take. And the fact that I have to put on a bra just to go eat?! That might be the tipping point.

Besides that, things have been pretty chill around here. I think I have a midterm on Tuesday. It might be Wednesday but I'm just gonna  go to class and see what happens. I found out you can buy a pack of 6 snickers for 2.30. So naturally I did. And that McDonald's has a curry sauce as an option when you buy chicken nuggets. It's actually not that bad. I went out the last two nights (:O). Thursday night was for a friend's birthday and Friday night was a Brazilian themed party, although the ratio of Brazilians to every other nationality was like 1:4. But it was fun, met some cool people and learned not to mix rum and wine. Silly naive little me.


(and in German: Prost!/ Polish: Na zdrowie!/French: Santé!)

2 November 2012

Halloween 101: How to completely ruin a dress, talk with a British accent and have a great time

Happy (belated) Halloween!

in the supermarket!
(warning - this post is filled with crappy phone pics because it is a lot easier to sneak a photo of pumpkins with a phone then hauling out the camera and get weird suspicious looks from fellow grocery shoppers...plus my camera died)

Step 1: Decide what you want to be for Halloween. Any costume involving a dress would be great (seeing as you need a dress to ruin for this project). I went with a lovely beige number as part of a fairy costume.

I know, I know...how can she ruin this?? you must be thinking...

Step 2: Get your friend to buy you spray paint because you're too lazy to look for dye and she's really nice.

Step 3: Ignore people's "why are you going to spray paint that? It's so pretty!". Retaliate with a "do you ever see me in beige?" (which is a fair question, albeit a lame argument).

Step 4: Find an empty patch of dirt and spray. Ombre effects look awesome and create the temporary illusion that this dress will later be wearable. Marvel while it dries, before reality sinks in.

after spray painting

Step 5: Come to your senses. Spray painting a dress is stupid and makes it stiff and you could probably get high off the fumes from your closet. If you feel a certain attachment to the dress however,  you can always try and soak it in detergent (because we all know that detergent is fantastic at removing spray paint - not really.) Time for plan B.

Step 6: Wear a lace dress from your closet, make a crown of flowers and some wings from wire and a cheap scarf. And voila! You're a fairy! - complete with an unwearable spray painted dress and a smelly closet (definitely the best type of fairies).

But we all know that you're not a true fairy without a British accent.


Step 7: Meet your friend's friends who all have really cool accents and are dressed like dead things and suppress the desire to change your speech and say things like "bloody hell" and "blimey".

Step 8: Play random drinking drinks and later you will learn to embrace that desire to try a British accent. You will fail horribly but continue.

Step 9: Spend the night going from bar to bar, club to club, meeting random people, some zombies, bees, clowns, devils, hula girls and dead pumpkins. After all, the theme of the night is trick or chupito, am I right?? ;) (chupitos are shots btw)

So Death and a Clown walk into a bar...

Step 10: Go home and tweet something like this: Going to bed with Styrofoam in my hair, makeup on, one eye open, an upset stomach and only one earring. !

(optional but highly recommended - Step 11: watch Frankenweenie the next day in Spanish. Laugh, smile and forever be afraid of resurrected dogs.)