4 February 2011

I've got a Haiku on my mind

So occasionally I like to write poetry. I'm not very good unless I have a specific reason or some parameters (even then...enhh....). But I wrote some haikus the other day cuz I felt like writing but had no clue what about. And now I've decided to post them. Doubts anyone will see them but, oh well :)

What sweet joy it is
To meet Sir Death at his door
And venture inside

Red Light
The gun. Point and aim.
Red light upon his forehead
Watch how the blood flies.

Heavy are our burdens
Crushed by the weight of it all
We have surrendered

 Inner Wisdom
Fly high butterfly
Follow the winds of Tara
Serenity comes

Rumble in tummy
Om nom nom I am hungry
Yeah! Food is yummy :)


  1. I liked Joy most and found untitled... interesting. (Thanks for your interest in the french collab by the way)

  2. Thanks! Im looking forward to watching, should it come to life :)


Hola :)