10 February 2011

An Abundance of Katherines

3 minutes ago I finished reading the book An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. And oh-my-goodness, was it fantastic; the funniest thing I've read in a while (since Rick Mercer's book of course). It's been months since I've read a book that was not required for school. Yesterday I went to my local library, and after semi-sorting out random issues from 2007, I went looking for some of the books on my book list and this was the only John Green book there. It was so good, that I stayed up until 2 a.m. reading, missing my television shows :O. I had to force myself to go to bed. Luckily I don't have class till 3 today, but anyways...

This book is about a boy, Colin Singleton, who has just graduated from high school. After being dumped by his 19th girlfriend named Katherine, and because he's feeling down about the fact that his child prodigy status did not result in him becoming a genius, his only friend Hassan decides that the two of them should go on a road trip, to who knows where. They end up in a random town in Tennessee, where much hilarity, weirdness, trivial knowledge, heartbreak, Arabic, mathematics and feral hog hunting later ensues. It is very funny book that had me often laughing out loud. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

It won some awards and was nominated for many others, and is just awesome.
Here's John Green's website, complete with his Vlogbrothers YouTube videos: http://johngreenbooks.com/


  1. I liked it too! Though, now that I know what a dingleberry is... I'm not so thrilled about their choice of words :P But most definitely a good read! Try Paper Towns! It's even better!

    [I can lend it to you over reading break if you want..]


Hola :)