20 December 2012

12 Days of DIY: Day 6 & 7: Bowtie and Holiday Postcards

 I made a few random things the past few days using things I had around my room and markers I borrowed from Vi.

DAY 6 - Bowtie

I used the sleeves left over from my dress to make a cute little bowtie! I attached it to a bobby pin and wore it in my hair today :)

Modeled by the fantabulous Jingle.

Look at Morris, soaking up the spotlight!

DAY 7 - Holiday Postcards!

Some of my friends said they were sending me things (or intended to since I kept forgetting to give them my address and the mail people lost a package :( ). So I decided to send some of them a postcard. But it being the holiday time I couldn't give them any old dull postcard. I had to jazz them up a bit. Hence the extremely life like recreations of winter scenes in Spain.

4.50 euros to mail all of these! And there are only 5! Tsk Tsk Correos

Floating Snowmen are common in Madrid

Exactly what Segovia in the Winter looks like :P

2 sleeps till LONDON!!!!!!

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