24 March 2011

I Won?

Remember that Spanish poem I entered into my school's Spanish writing contest? (Here if you don't know what I'm talking about). Well I won first place in the poetry category. Yeah. I'm kinda shocked and thoroughly excited. It's the first thing I've ever really won. They had a ceremony on Monday night but I didn't go, for various lame reasons (now that I think about it). The only two participants who didn't attend were myself and a guy in my Spanish class who wrote a short story. My Spanish teacher was disappointed :( I wish I had gone but alas, too late now.

I found out I had won something from a girl in my french class yesterday, who herself had won in the speech writing category. Today I went to the Department of Hispanic Studies to collect my prize: a pen, a mug and $40 to the university bookstore. Yea!! Now I can by some mints and sweater.

♥ Turtles


  1. I actually felt the same way (didn't want to go to a cermony) when I recived an award early this year, but anyway congrads!

  2. thanks :) what award did you win?


Hola :)