17 April 2013

The Merger

It's been a long time. Too long. But I  write to today of exciting news!!! (Well at least exciting news to me.) I combined my two blogs!!!!! (Yay??) Yes, yay. It is something I've been wanting to do for a while now and I finally got around to doing it.

The Old One:

My previous blog was called I Saw A Turtle On A Fence, and I kept it up for about a year and a half, ending it in February of last year. It was a great platform for me to express my thoughts and ideas of the moment as well as challenge myself with things like the 12 Days of DIY and the 50 Book Challenge. I felt a lot freer there than I do with this blog, so I decided to merge them. Since I never deleted Turtles, twas simple, exporting the old blog and importing it into the new one.


Naturally, there will be some changes. Most notably the layout. The old Dynamic theme worked well with all the posts I've written since being in Salamanca, since they (almost), all have pictures. But on Turtles, there tended not to be as many photos. So I tried to pick something that was suitable for both. I'm still tinkering around with it so it be pink one day and green the next. Bare with me :)

Secondly, I think I'm going to start posting more often; not only things about my travels, but whatever I feel like be it culture, music, youtube, politics, fasion, DIYs or just my general opinion on a subject. Sounds good?

On another note, about two weeks ago I went to Ireland with Em and tonight Vi + us are heading to the airport to fly off to Italy tomorrow morning! I'm looking forward to it! I will write a post or two about Ireland and post them in the up coming days. Have a good Wednesday!

- Sarrah ♥


Hola :)